Appendix 4 Some examples of detailed objectives (using quantifiable indicators)

Attribute detail Examples
Controlling threats Nil incidence of undesirable livestock incursions
Climate-readiness of xx species in place
Invasive plant threats under management in surrounding landscape
Fox and cat populations reduced to xxha and xxha respectively in surrounding landscape
Overharvesting regulated in surrounding marine area
Anti-fouling pollutants prohibited in surrounding waters
Physical conditions pH of substrate is between e.g. xx.xx and xx.xx (Raupach test)
A minimum of XX mm of top soil (A horizon) and yy mm of subsoil (B horizon) is installed at establishment.
Topsoil and subsoil are returned within 2 months of initial clearing
Soil compaction reduced to <xx psi across site
Nil sediment deposition in stream
Site topography and hydrological flow lines reinstated
Salinity level of substrate < EC Units
Turbidity level = xxx
Rocky outcrops cover xx% of site and remain without vegetation cover
Species composition Herbaceous exotics reduced to <xx% cover and represented by only benign species
>xx% canopy cover of native trees and exotic trees reduced to rare seedlings
mesic shrubs reduced to <xx% cover and diversity of heathy shrubs maintained
Kangaroo Grass cover between ~xx-xx% and diversity of forbs and grasses maintained.
Crown of Thorns Starfish reduced to >xx% cover and coral mortality <xx%
Carp reduced to < xx% of fish population and xx% of native fish species of reference present
Community structure Characteristic diversity of native plant species from each stratum established
Mosaic of vegetation patches reinstated
All ant functional groups present
All frog species present
Size of area sufficient to support populations of species ‘x’
Species ‘y’ present at a density of x stems per ha
Ecosystem function All plant functional groups regenerating after natural disturbance event
A diversity of genera of saprophytic insects found in all fallen timber
‘xx’ number of tree hollows per hectare
Owl pair breeding in area and feeding on site
Litter decomposition rate = xx
Filtration rate = x% of tide residence time
Appropriate fire regime reinstated for the target ecosystem
Carbon sequestered at a rate of xx tonnes per year
Positive change in the microbial functionality parameter ‘xx’
External exchanges Ground dwelling faunal species can readily disperse into and out of site
Site is connected to surrounding floodplain and river to enable periodic flooding
Fish passage reinstated
Tidal flushing reinstated
Pollinators can readily connect with site

Note: The ‘indicator’ is the measure used (ideally SMART Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound)—while the ‘objective’ is the quantification adopted for the particular project. (Examples drawn from a range of different biomes.)