The Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia (SERA) is a strong advocate of environmental education.


The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) has more than 2,400 members in over 70 countries with 14 chapters serving states, provinces and regions of North America, Europe, Australasia and Asia. Becoming a student member will instantly link you into an international network of fellow students and restoration professionals.

** Only $30 for student membership of both SER and SERA. **

To become a member, please register with SER and nominate Australasia as your SER Chapter Affiliation.

Board member Jason at work, actively getting students involved in the society At a recent student drive, many students signed up to be informed about SERA, all studying a range of disciplines, from geneticists and conservation biologists to landscape architects and archaeologists - once again showing us that restoration ecology attracts and caters for many diverse people but all with the same interest in making a difference and contributing to restoring the earth!

We hope to keep increasing student memberships across Australasia and help build early career development.

Your support and membership contribute to the Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia's effort to lead the way in healing the earth.
