River restoration - Demonstration reaches in the Murray-Darling Basin
Seven 'Demonstration reaches' have been established throughout the Murray Darling Basin to trial and evaluate the implementation of the key driving actions of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's Native Fish Strategy (NFS) which include:
- Re-snagging
- Controlling alien fish species
- Riparian rehabilitation
- Reinstating fish passage
- Applying environmental flows
- Constructing instream habitat
- Establishing fish screening at water diversions
- Re-stocking with native fish
Using on-ground community-driven rehabilitation, the demonstration reaches measure rehabilitation success for native fish recovery against well-defined targets. This information is then used to adaptively manage activities.
Lessons and Limitations
- River restoration is a long term challenge due to high levels of ongoing disturbance, permanency of many dams, weirs and irrigation, high vulnerability to pest species and the many (often competing) demands upon a river.
- Conversely, rivers link people and environments and as such, small but continuous improvements can have cumulative effects to increasingly achieve recovery.
Read more:
Demonstration reaches EMR feature
Monitoring in demonstration reaches
Native Fish Strategy - first 10 years
Sea to Hume Dam Fishways
Example featured below:
Condamine Catchment, Queensland, Australia: