Examples of a reconstruction approach - rebuilding from 'scratch'
The art and science of reconstruction pivots
around the question "How do we rebuild this ecosystem when there is little
if anything of it left on site?" Many projects around Australia, both
terrestrial and aquatic, are facing this challenge head-on, supported
by innovative research and practice, with increasingly satisfactory results.
Post-industrial development
Ecological restoration is a rapidly emerging practice that often relies upon processes of trial and error, with monitoring increasingly being informed by scientific approaches (Box 3). Formal field experiments can also be incorporated into restoration practice, generating new findings to both inform adaptive management and provide valuable insights for the natural sciences.
- Banksia woodland post-sand extraction, Western Australia
- Jarrah forest post-mine restoration, Western Australia
- Grassy Groundcover restoration projects, Greening Australia, Victoria and New South Wales
- Monjebup North, Gondwana Link, Western Australia
- Peniup, Gondwana Link, Western Australia
- Mt Annan, Cumberland Plain Restoration, New South Wales, Australia
- Big Scrub landcare rainforest replantings, New South Wales, Australia
- Palm oil to rainforest, Daintree, Queensland, Australia
- Donahy's Corridor rainforest linkage, Queensland, Australia
- Thiaki reforestation project, Queensland, Australia
Marine and coastal
- Seaweed ecosystem restoration project, Sydney coast, New South Wales, Australia
- Saltmarsh construction, Penrhyn Estuary, New South Wales, Australia
- Kirra dune reconstruction, Queensland, Australia
Riparian Yate system, 8 years after direct seeding at Peniup, Gondwana Link, Western Australia.